Because many people admire and aspire beauty queens, Ms, Earth Pageant was launched in 2001 and still reigns its crown for 15 years whose raison d’ etre was to have its winners actively promote and get involved in the preservation and protection of Mother Earth,. Ms. Earth 2016 was held in the Philippines and part of their ecotourism Promotional

Tour was to visit the country’s wonderful sites. On October 21 and 22, 2016, through the initiative of the Local Government Unit headed by Hon. Eduardo B. Gadiano, candidate of the countries of Bahamas, Australia, Belguim, Guam and Bolivia went to Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro and visited the municipality’s tourist sites for promotion. Included in these sites were Libuao Lake at Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm, Parola Park which includes the Asia’s Longest Island to Island Zipline and Sablayan Old Church and Lighthouse, Mangrove area at baywalk where they conducted mangrove planting, Pandan Island and Apo Reef Natural Park. During the Cultural Night at the Siburan Hall, the Protected Area Superintendent, Celso B. Almazan briefly discussed and presented the Apo reef Natural Park to the candidates. A power point and video presentation regarding the protected area were shown.

Guests and candidates went to Apo Island October 22nd on board a high speed watercraft. They were given Apo Reef Souvenir shirts, copies of Apo reef Pamphlet and Coffee Table Book upon arrival. Some of the activities done in the island were coastal clean-up, visit at mangrove and lagoon, scenery viewing at lighthouse and snorkeling. The gorgeous ladies enjoyed their visit in the island and were astonished in the hospitality of ARNP Staff and personnel. Ms. Australia even commented that she will be glad if she could be given a chance to return. Official Photos and videos were uploaded and aired by Carousel Productions, the official handler of Ms. Earth 2016.