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Wood processing plant permit is the operating permit to sawmill, mini-sawmill, re-saw permit, plywood/veneer plants, blockboards/fiberboard/particle board and other wood based panel plants and wood treating plants. It is issued to the holders of existing timber license agreements or permits and for those non-timber holders but with approved Equity Participation Agreement maybe granted a permit not exceeding two years. Permits that maybe issued to operators other that the above shall have a duration of not more than one year. (MAO 50, series of 1986 as amended by DENR Administrative Order No. 2003-41)


  1. Letter of Application
  2. Duly accomplished application form by the applicant with notation by authorized DENR Collection Officer on the Official Receipt number and date of payment of the application fee.
  3. Certificate of Registration of Articles of Incorporation, Partnership or Cooperative, as the case may be
  4. For individual persons, document reflecting proof of Filipino citizenship such as Birth Certificate of Naturalization.
  5. Environmental Compliance Certificate or Certificate of Non-Coverage, as the case may be, issued by EMB pursuant to DAO 96-37.
  6. Sworn statement of the applicant declaring the source of wood raw materials, supported by certified documents such as, but not limited to supply contract, or other appropriate proof of availability and legitimacy of wood source.
  7. In case Wood Processing Plant is to be located in/or already located in public forestland, the application, for Special Land Use Permit and Processing Plant will be processed simultaneously.